My favorite products I can’t live without

I often get asked about what protein shake I use, so I figured I’d create a ‘lil wrap up of a few other favs of mine that I also get questioned about.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means I earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I personally use, all opinions are my own. The links will direct you to the products on Amazon, because that is how I roll with 3 kids and living in rural Iowa. Convenience of online shopping are deliveries to my doorstep. Can I get an Amen?

If you purchase through these links, there is a small chance that I would earn $.0001 off the sale. Sadly, that exaggeration isn’t too far off.

I get asked quite often about my shake, so much that I have created a stories highlight on my Instagram account just for SHAKES. It’s so crazy because for sooo many years I couldn’t stand any shake – I seriously loathed any and all protein shakes I had tried. My mindset was that I would rather enjoy the taste of my food in solid form!

Now I am sad when I have a day that I wasn’t able to have one! Crazy right? So for sake of simplicity, here they all are in one place for you to check out. If you are wondering why there isn’t one with a banana, the reason is I don’t care for the texture after a banana has been added. However, avocado…mmmmm! (Don’t ask how that is any different texture from a banana – but there is a serious difference girl!)

If you are interested in where to find the Garden of Life (GOL) Protein powder I am obsessed over and doesn’t have an after taste of chalk. There are a ton of brands out there and let’s be honest, they aren’t all cheap or made equally. Some are just terrible tasting! GOL Chocolate Protein Powder and GOL Vanilla Protein Powder are my go-to flavors here.


Garden Of Life is life for me! I am a huge fangirl of this brand. I was very thankful that my chiropractor to refer this brand and suggested starter vitamins I should be consuming. Let’s face it, we don’t get all of the nutrients from our food that we need to keep our immune system working at its greatest.

Vitamin D3: was where I started!

Hmmm…if what I’m putting into my body is important, so is what my kiddos are consuming. I trust this brand so much for myself and even for my 3 beauties to consume daily. My older 2 girls (age 4+) take a Kids probiotics chewable as well as D3 spray vitamin every day to keep their health up where we might lack it when feeding them the perfect nutrition at every meal. Right?

Gracyn is my youngest babe. She’s had digestive issues since she was born – literally would go weeks without going ?. Powder probiotics helps her get her vitamins as well as the probiotics. Another great feature is they can be stored a room temp. Woot. Woot. Every morning I put a teaspoon in her milk sippy, give it a swirl and she’s on her way for the day. You can also put it in water but I noticed in the older girls’ cups it would clump up after sitting a bit. I’d recommend putting it in a water bottle that has a lid that you can easily shake up to avoid that.

*I am not a medical professional advising any dosage of daily vitamins. You should always do your research on recommended daily intake that is best for YOU.*


To a break it up a bit from nutrition, I’m throwing in my favorite bracelet. I wear it daily and have on more than once occasion remembered to put it on, and got to work to realize I forgot to put on my wedding ring! This bracelet offers me mental wellness. Honestly the cute card that comes with it is lovely and I’ve kept taped to my vision board, “And so the journey begins”

This Luca + Dani bracelet is lovely wrist reminder to “Embrace the journey” and helps me stay present in the little moments. I’m one that likes to crush goals and move on to the next. Lately I’ve been reminded that even when you’ve completed a goal, it doesn’t necessarily feel like I thought it would. Let me remind you of my Instagram stories I shared of my pants ripping, okay 2 pairs of pants ripping out in the butt. This was due to the toning in the rear I’m getting from my Beachbody 80 day obsession workouts that I’m loving, but because I’m having reaching this toning change doesn’t mean I’m never going to have another issue in my life. Ummm…yea, I’m going to stick with enjoying this journey of life. ?

If you think I drop a lot of money on vitamins. I do. What is your health worth? On the flip side, I don’t spend as much as it initially looks since I have the vitamins and a few household items shipped to me regularly through Amazon’s subscribe and save program. Where I can choose the products, quantity and frequency. I can skip any item before the ship date if I’m set and not in need of something this month (which I’m looking forward to cancelling my reoccurring diaper delivery!)

I sincerely hope these favs wrap up of mine was useful – or at least entertaining!

Please drop me an email reply with feedback so I can continue to create posts that are serving you best.

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