be your own solution

Trying to kick off this week with a shortie – just like me…Punda-cha! He- he. Speaking of being your own solution maybe I need to buy more high heels and wedges! It’s so important to be your solution, and own the outcomes you achieve. If there are some failures look at them as learning opportunities. Struggles are a way of life and some of the most challenging issues we face in life offer the greatest solutions for success.
In spirit of Mel Robbins (as you can completely pick up she’s my jam, plus this is Gracyn and my song ironically….{side side note}. I used to crank ‘Feel It Still’ by Portugal when I was on the dreaded treadmill on maternity leave. Sweet baby Gracyn would be chilling in her swing staring at me smiling and wiggling to this song. Those sweet memories just make everything so much better, recalling those moments makes me an emotional basketcase! Okay….back.on.track.Dawn…..
After many days of listening to Rise Together Podcasts with Rachel & Dave Hollis and finishing the book, Hustle by Joshua Medcalf I feel like the finger pointing direction is inward, all towards myself. I’m really really trying not to mess my kids up by the blame game or guilt Ryan – because like all those mentors have stated, most times your criticisms are just things you don’t like about yourself. {Insert Dawn’s raised hand here.} And I don’t want to end up divorced and reflect back like this lady in the How to Let Go of an Old Regret from one of Mel’s Take 5 emails.
I’m working on being more in the moment and CATCHING myself before I go on a rant to Ryan. Some of those rants occur with discipline and failing to hold up to our promises and enforcing no desserts before supper, or making empty threats to Reagan to finish her plate of food! The #Take5 has been consciously playing in my head, and I’ve been trying to stop mid-rant and freakin’ apologize. The result of that petty behavior is we both stop speaking, the girls find the silence awkwardness, we tip-toe around each other for the rest of the night, we go to bed pissed and then the fresh new start in the morning is still shitty because I haven’t apologized. The bad mood of one person can bring down the mood of everyone else in the entire family, so it’s an important aspect to dig down deep inside and cure.
Let me give you another example of well-being and how taking action can help fix a situation. When I sleep like shit, I need to ask myself, “have I been to the chiropractor to feel my best?” If not, why did I blow off my weekly visits (getting back to every 2 weeks and then I feel awesome!) Did I have any physical movement today? If I was lazy and slept in and barely made 6,000 steps today – yeah, that’s likely MY CAUSE to my stressors. No one else’s fault but my own. Cause and effect are true science in real life.
So what are you doing that’s contributing to holding you back from getting your parenting point across? What are you too “busy” doing that’s keeping you from really cranking some shit out and feeling on top of the world? What’s restraining how well your new life is unfolding and finding your “place”? What do you need to take your advice on? Do you need to reflect inward to see you need to get out of your way?
When you are knee-deep in messy homes, sibling fights picky eaters, and sleepless nights remember you’re doing the most important work. Life is an endless barrage of problems. Behind every great child is a mom who’s pretty sure she’s screwing it all up. The best day of your life is when you realize you own this life and will grab it by the horns and understand you are the quality and it is what you make it be.
Before having an excuse for something, try catching yourself mid-sentence or thought and realize is this the problem? Cuz if it has a solution, it ain’t a problem. Boom!
Go out and kick ass! You got this lady!
Much love,

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